My Beep-BRRR notes

New 02Apr2021. Updated 15Feb2024. This note is in group Technology, sub-group My Beep-BRRR pages. Last changes, newest on top, left: My audio automatic gain control sw driver (AGC) notes referenced Related notes Wavtones by Pigeon Typos Ref Implementation F («simplest possible») works Use of mic_samples_buff_t for split needs  ref [18], not [8] XMOS libraries iOS sound recording has […]

IEEE-COPA 2021 fringe

This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages) but may be considered a kind of follow-up of the CPA 2018 fringe. Updated 27Jul2021 For the TIOBE index 016:[10]: «xC programming». Also permanently stored stored at Breaking news 13May2021. No comment here. Press the drawing. Update 27Jul2021. According to 221:[1] then [[combinable]] and interface are not available […]

Øyvind Teig

Myself To TOP. Standard disclaimer, valid for all notes – and other disclaimers. My name is Øyvind Teig, but my «user name» is always «aclassifier» (or «Aclassifier«). It is a pun that originates from my experience with collecting and describing («classifying») my first-generation short-and-tall Mercedes-Benz A-Class scale models. (The result of this attempt is still to […]

My xC combined combinable notes

Started 16Feb2021 – updated 20Apr2021 – about finished. This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages). For the TIOBE index 016:[10]: «xC programming». Observe that [[combinable]], as well as [[combine]] are xC keywords. Combined, as in the title, is not. I assume that much of xC’s terms are known. Fold handling with Collapse-O-Matic […]

Notes from the vault – 0x02 – Transputers

Part of group NOTES FROM THE VAULT. Started 3Oct2020. Updated 16Aug2022 Transputers – Why are you disposing of all this hardware? 6Oct2020, V1.5 Which hardware? This. One of the prospective buyers asked me that question. Why am I disposing of all this hardware? I had saved these transputer TRAM boards from becoming e-waste some twenty years […]


In English Updated 05Oct2023. Newest on top of the lists: Publications & lectures IEEE-COPA 2021 Fringe presentation with Dr. Lawrence John Dickson (Larry): Torus heat equations to get dizzy from. Hooping with xC Dec.2020 IEEE life members newsletter: «Lucky Strike with Missing Bytes« CPA-2018 CPA 2018 fringe presentation CPA-2016 CPA 2016 fringe presentation CPA-2015 Two CPA […]

Transputer TRAM (was: boards for sale)

New 3Sep2020, updated 23Jun2024 (T800 poster, see p.74 and the poster here. Transtech (*1) – posters at – NONE LEFT, ALL SOLD, ALL SHIPPED! I will not answer «first name» signed mails from «no-name-in» mail addresses of any form of query. Sorry. – 18Oct: I have shipped to all. We’ll do the money matters when […]

My xC softblinking PWM notes

Started 28Jun2020. 19Jul2024: A better pwm_for_LED_task This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages). Standard disclaimer. Even if my writing style is stream of consciousness I hope that it’s possible to read this note from the top. There also is a PWM-related page at Et strippet og ombygd voltmeter (Summary in English). For the […]