Started 16Jun2021, updated 23Jul2021. This note is in group Hobby. One of my shortest blog note? I thought this note should solely cover keeping a closet door open. But no, the theme closed in on me. Still, I’ll just keep the title. Keeping a closet door staying open The first chapter is about a mechanism […]
← → Started 13May2021. Updated «after that». This note is in group Technology and My XMOS pages. It is about the XMOS tools paradigm shift with C and lib_xcore. C plus lib_xcore = xC Of course the below info makes me sad! For myself: I have enjoyed xC so much! But I am afraid, XMOS probably have […]
Updated 11May2021 Up: Early notes Some of these notes are outdated and will not be updated (or even removed) 19May2021: this page was moved from 013 Overview. 046 – and up at (technology overview there) A nodeterministic note about nondeterminsm – Moved to: 049 «Nondeterminism» Is (x < (x+1)) really always true? Scratching my head with their […]
Started 02Apr2021. Updated 11Aug2024 Some times I build up a note from scratch, and the whole writing process is open. My technological aside – digressions (31Aug2024) Embedded threads in par for you? (30Oct2023) Channelling through XCORE processors – protected so far (24Spr2024) Kondensatorer mot spenningshumper (13Feb2024) I hope I am not overoptimistic in relation to […]
New 22Mar2021. Updated 11Nov2024 Myself To TOP. Standard disclaimer, valid for all notes – and other disclaimers. My name is Øyvind Teig, but my «user name» is always «aclassifier» (or «Aclassifier«). It is a pun that originates from my experience with collecting and describing («classifying») my first-generation short-and-tall Mercedes-Benz A-Class scale models. (The result of this […]
Published 9Feb2021 – Updated 29Jun2024 This page is in group MODELS. It’s a log: newest at the top, except there may be newer entries inside chapters. Background Is it correct to write a disclaimer here, to turn down any anticipation of a great model layout? Not really. (Except, of course, my standard disclaimer telling that even if […]
In English Updated 05Oct2023. Newest on top of the lists: Publications & lectures IEEE-COPA 2021 Fringe presentation with Dr. Lawrence John Dickson (Larry): Torus heat equations to get dizzy from. Hooping with xC Dec.2020 IEEE life members newsletter: «Lucky Strike with Missing Bytes« CPA-2018 CPA 2018 fringe presentation CPA-2016 CPA 2016 fringe presentation CPA-2015 Two CPA […]
Started on 9Sep2020, updated 29Sep2020 (Night ligthing). This page is in group MINIATURES. Do observe my Standard disclaimer. According to Google the title of this note, «my canal house miniatures», would spell out as mijn grachtenpandminiaturen in Dutch. Gracht is a canal. I love canals (as well as channels in programming.) Pand means house, as does huis. It seems like I […]
Started 29May2020. Updated28Nov2024 (References layout and PDF-embedder removed, TODO) 08Feb2024 (Online Tone Generator another reference). This note is in group Technology (plus My XMOS pages). Since our daily (mostly spoken word) radio listening seemed a little too «bassy» for me, and I had a nice processor board really lost behind, I thought that now was the time […]
Back – About CHRONOLOGICALLY Newest here: 207 My «Im taking an early holiday cos i know summer comes soonest in the south» note – a brutally modified poster 158 All Trains to Stop (the book) (With a scanned photo by Hans Steeneken) 155 All trains to stop (even models) (two Märklin steam engines that I sold) ABOUT Being born in […]