Part of group NOTES FROM THE VAULT. Theme from 1988, moved here 12Apr2022. Updated: 09Aug2024. Finished Intro This note, in a wider context, is about how I learned about the need for a task concept, and «below» tasks, about an early but necessary runtime system of mine. The thing that started this text was that I already […]
Started 25Oct2023, updated 30Oct2023. This will be is in group Technology if I think it would be might be worth it. At first I will try to list up relevant other blog notes or lectures I have done or presented over the years, those may have filled in the same points that I initially thought […]
Started 07Jan2025, updated 14Jan2025 (more on the limit of file sizes) This note is in group Technology, sub-groups My Beep-BRRR pages and My XMOS pages. Intro I will let the below screen clip layout from my first encounter with the AI-powered Cursor text editor and my XC code more or less speak for itself. (Aside: the […]
New 29Apr2024. Updated 07Nov2024 (New style of References. [8] and those below in the list++. In work. This page is in group Technology I guess it’s a post where I try to understand its process/task model, and end up being somewhat sceptical of any potential usage on my behalf. Three rusts «Rust has been said […]
CHRONOLOGICALLY Newest here: 249 occam programming language – the «proto occam» 1983 book scanned (published before 248) 248 Notes from the vault 0x06 – The lives of a Wang 700 calculator (published as newer than 249) 233 RTX-51, an embedded scheduler 228 Δ tillegg til norsk ultralydhistorie – «Δ addition to Norwegian ultrasound history». In Norwegian: auto-translated […]
Started 21Feb2024. Updated 01Sep2024 (ForeC). This note is in group Technology. Observe Standard disclaimer. Intro: ..should not have been here These aside digressions are here because I don’t know where else to put them. They are all worthy of their own blog notes. But since their contents is not my speciality I won’t pretend. I have […]
New 19Dec2022, updated 16Dec2024 (readability, I didn’t understand my own phrases, [2], [1], ChatGPT). In work. Read first but I suggest, don’t press the links. On any second read, you’re allowed to press the links. This note is my first reaction to the surprising and bold switch by XMOS, to let the xcore architecture run […]
New 17Mar2010, here 26Oct2020, updated 13Jan2025 (removed WordPress plugin pdf-embedder code and new References layout) Legacy note now is here I moved this note from the 2010 original on my Blogspot notes (here) into my WordPress domain (below) on 26Oct2020. The reason was that I discovered that TIOBE Software BV now relates to Cyclomatic Complexity, and […]
New 02Aug2023. Updated 30Oct2024 (Til salgs). This note is about some individual scope channel devices which send their curves to a mobile app. This app runs on several platforms. «My Pokit scopes» as in plural, is this correct? Or should it be called «My Pokit scope»? So I changed it to «My Pokit scope(s)». Observe […]
Part of group NOTES FROM THE VAULT and My FPGA pages and Technology. Started 13Sep2021, updated 21Apr2022. (Burde jeg ha skrevet dette på norsk? Eller en på hvert språk? – translate) Two early Autronica VLSI chips In this note I will, hopefully with a lot of help from my friends, tell the story of two VLSI chips from the early 1980s . […]