Towards a taxonomy(?) of CSP-based systems

New: 12Oct2016. Last updated 25Aug2021 This page is in group Technology. This note started with an attempt to look at how channels are modelled (in code, really) but then ended up with trying to systemise what I found. The note was even called Channel structures at the start. Fold handling with Collapse-O-Matic plugin I am using Collape-O-Matic (here) […]

CSP on Node.js and ClojureScript by JavaScript

Started 26Feb2014, updated 11Apr2024 (ref [11] link), 20Sep2021 (PyCSP) This page is in group Technology Intro There are some implicit Wiki-refs at the bottom. These terms are be bold at first occasion. I want learn a little more on CSP (Communicating Sequential Processes), and from zero I want to learn about Node.js, Clojure, ClojureScript (all server side) and JavaScript (client […]

My Rust programming language notes

New 29Apr2024. Updated 15Aug2024 ([8] and those below in the list++. In work. This page is in group Technology I guess it’s a post where I try to understand its process/task model, and end up being somewhat sceptical of any potential usage on my behalf. Three rusts «Rust has been said to be named after […]

My technological aside digressions

Started 21Feb2024. Updated 01Sep2024 (ForeC). This note is in group Technology. Observe Standard disclaimer. Intro: ..should not have been here These aside digressions are here because I don’t know where else to put them. They are all worthy of their own blog notes. But since their contents is not my speciality I won’t pretend. I have […]

Embedded threads in par for you?

Started 25Oct2023, updated 30Oct2023. This will be is in group Technology if I think it would be might be worth it. At first I will try to list up relevant other blog notes or lectures I have done or presented over the years, those may have filled in the same points that I initially thought […]

XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type

New 05Oct2023 – updated 09Oct2023. This paper is in group Publications. This note is a restoration and update of XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type. See the still existing CPA 2012 page. XCHANs: Notes on a New Channel Type Øyvind Teig. Autronica Fire and Security (AFS) (A UTC Fire and Security company) – […]

My XMOS XTC Tools notepad

← → Started 14May2021. Updated 27Sep2023 (Search for that date. «Big Sur» and «RISC-V») xTIMEcomposer + new machine = ok is in group Technology and My XMOS pages This is structured as a log: newest at the bottom. Install on macOS Documentation of 15.0.6: System requirements Aside: OS X / macOS: Yosemite, El Capitan (OS X 10.11), […]

C plus lib_xcore black-boxes xC

← → Started 13May2021. Updated «after that». This note is in group Technology and My XMOS pages. It is about the XMOS tools paradigm shift with C and lib_xcore. C plus lib_xcore = xC Of course the below info makes me sad! For myself: I have enjoyed xC so much! But I am afraid, XMOS probably have […]

My Go (golang) notes

Up: TECH NOTES. Also see: Technology Older blog notes Some aspects of Go are also discussed throughout some other notes. But those in the below list are more to the point. I have tried to learn about how the Go designers built concurrency on the ideas of CSP. The notes are mostly «paper discussion»s, leaving me with […]