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WoTUG-22 web page
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As in the paper
Electric Library. ("Psychoanalysis" paragraph)
Mark Debbage, Mark Hill, Sean Wykes, Denis Nicole, "Southampton's Portable Occam Compiler (SPOC)", In: Miles, Chalmers (ed.), "Progress in Transputer and occam Research", IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1994 (WoTUG 17 proceedings), pp.40-55. Also see
SPOC:Southampton's Portable Occam Compiler, Version 1.3b, Mon Sep 7 10:51:28 1998 M. Debbage, X. Fu, M. Hill, D. Nicole and S. Wykes University Of Southampton, ESPRIT GPMIMD P5404
On this quite new and intermediate version we had to run the generated source through a filter to replace all "Dim-" occurrences with "Dim_".
Eric S. Raymond, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar", 1998,
Bill Foote, EmbeddedJava VM Group, Sun Microsystems. Archived at Personal communication to The Requirements Working Group for Real-time Extensions for the Java™ Platform, National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST.
Also see a "thread" discussing "Higher level Real-Time" starting at  
Les Hatton, "Safer C: Developing Software for High-integrity and Safety-critical Systems", 1994, McGRAW-HILL, ISBN-0-07-707640-0
Øyvind Teig, "PAR and STARTP Take the Tanks", In: P.H.Welch, A.W.P.Bakkers (ed.) "Architectures, Languages and Patterns for Parallel and Distributed Applications", pp. 1-18. 1998 (WoTUG 21 proceeding). IOS Press, Amsterdam, ISSN 1383-7575. Also see
Øyvind Teig, "Non-preemptive occam in DSP real-time system", Real-Time Magazine, 3Q98. Also see
Gimpel Software, "PC-lint. A Diagnostic Facility for C and C++".  Manual is dated November 1995.
PC-lint for C/C++(NT) Ver.7.00p, Copyright Gimpel Software 1985-1997
Texas Instruments TMS320C3x/C4x Optimizing C Compiler
TMS320C3x/4x C Compiler Shell Version 5.00
Copyright(c)1987-1997 Texas Instruments Incorporated
The C Programming Language. Kernighan and Ritchie. 2nd ed. 1988, p.209. ISBN 0-13-110362-8
SGS-Thomson, "occam 2.1 Toolset" , D7405, 1996. For transputers, now discontinued by ST Microelectronics. See [11].
KRoC, Kent Retargetable occam Compiler, see Based on [10].