
o: 100 PROC Delay.ms (VAL INT DelayFor.ms)
   101   INT time:
   102   TIMER clock:
   103   SEQ
   104     clock ? time
   105     clock ? AFTER time PLUS DelayFor.ms
   106 :

c: 200 static void P_Delay_ms_1432 (tSF_P_Delay_ms_1432 *FP)
   201 {
   202   while(true)
   203   {
   204     switch(FP->_Header.IP)
   205     {
   206       CASE(0):  
   207         FP->time_1430 = ReadTimer();
   208         DELAY((FP->time_1430 + FP->DelayFor_ms_1429),1);
   209       CASE(1):  
   210         RETURN();
   211       default: SETERR(MSG_IP);
   212     }
   213   }
   214 }

PC-lint protests on line 208 because the DELAY macro contains a return to Scheduler.

PC-lint also protests on line 210 because it does not know that the last parameter of the macro in line 208 is a next state specification.

Too bad, since erroneous unreachable code will not be detected with our filter enabled.